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  Daily Thoughts

September 13th, 2021

Listen, people. I’ve got good news! The company is now fully prepared for the past

This is my rephrasing of ‘The army is now fully prepared for the previous war’, inspired by John Gall, in his […]

September 11th, 2021

They changed, they did well, because they were ready for it’.

This piece of conventional wisdom is almost never true. That ‘they were ready’ is very often a posterity rationalization. Most […]

September 9th, 2021

No hiding leadership: ‘We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek’

I often use lines from some of Obama’s speeches, to ask leaders about their sense of destiny, small d or […]

September 8th, 2021

For every ‘I have a dream’, there are thousands of ‘are you serious?’

For every community struggling to achieve something, and deciding to launch some form of collective action; for every minority that […]

September 6th, 2021

No single discipline has the answer anymore. There is no escape. Read and re-skill like mad.

Whether you are sitting in HR, Organizational Development or any other corporate function, or simply in a position of management […]

September 3rd, 2021

The New Classics of Management (2 of 2)

Following on from Wednesday’s proposition, the new disciplines of management, ‘The New Classics’ are these 10: 1. Behavioural Economics 2. […]

September 1st, 2021

The New Classics of Management. (1 of 2)

Amongst the challenges that management has in the 21st Century, which are shared, of course, by specific functions such as […]

August 30th, 2021

‘Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and it annoys the pig’

This quote is from Robert Anson Heinlein (1907-1988), American science fiction writer, who was famous for his quotes. This one […]

August 27th, 2021

And they all gave one day of their holidays

A true story. A health care worker is truly struggling to do her work and caring for a son who […]

August 25th, 2021

For any organizational solution, we bring along extra problems. The system always kicks back.

Attention re-structuralists, strategists and people about to be sold a multi-million pound reorganization solution that will solve all those nasty […]

August 23rd, 2021

The Lego and the Jigsaw: two ways to build an organization

In the previous Daily Thoughts posting, I said that successful growth contains the seeds of its failure. Managing the organizational complexity […]

August 20th, 2021

Yes, there is a new workplace now. It’s called culture.

If you want to have a conversation about the future of work, the nature of work, the post-pandemic work, the […]

August 19th, 2021

The leader is not an answerphone. Or a help desk.

In our Viral Change™ Programmes, members of the community (company) of activists, invariably ask questions such as, what shall we […]

August 18th, 2021

The pilgrimage to the top of the Leadership Mountain to ask for permission, blessings and a bit of gratification

Scenario 1: The Leadership Team/Top Management Team is in high control mode. They feel they need to make many different […]

August 17th, 2021

Being compelled to react, does not make you a good leader. The clue, and the winning, is in the number of problems that you decide not to address.

Every morning, when we wake up, put our work clothes on and head for whatever is in our Outlook or […]

August 16th, 2021

The burning platform was the greatest management invention. Now, can we move on?

Apparently nothing can change unless there is as ‘burning platform’. Business and old change management loves that kind of drama. […]

August 13th, 2021

Management technique: the transplant

The answer to individual negativity is group positiveness.  Fighting individual negativity at individual level is a risky fight. If you […]

August 12th, 2021

I’m now of an age when I only want to work with people who want to change the world

And still I get lots of people who raise eyebrows, people who look at me with a conspiracy-like smile (‘you […]

August 11th, 2021

Monochrome cultures (and their Royal Courts)

Possibility is perhaps the most beautiful word in management. There are organizations in which possibilities seem exhausted, work is an […]

August 10th, 2021

Companies with ‘autoimmune disease’: difficult treatment and poor prognosis

Sorry for the medicalisation, an annoying legacy in my brain from many years of diagnosing and prescribing. Unlike many other […]