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Imagine this goal. Let’s shift from 30 people making a decision in 30 days, to 3 people making the same […]
It is perhaps the Age of Inversion. The weights have gone the other way. Globalisation, big G, or small g, […]
These are commonly found uses of the expression ‘they’ within organizations. They won’t approve this They don’t get it They […]
People in organizations spend a lot of time representing somebody else or something else. It feels sometimes that the company […]
Strong thinking and strong ideas are great. We need people to defend them, champion them and feel passionate about them. […]
The trouble with the talking about leadership is that we have made a big basket of it and thrown in […]
Let me share a piece of our own research that has just come up from the oven. In a 1200 […]
Large scale mobilization and alignment of people, united through common goals yet everybody is in different and diverse roles with […]
John Kotter, Harvard Emeritus Professor and prolific author, has made a significant contribution to Leadership and Change for many years. […]
How do you make values live? Install them in a culture? Model 1: You preach them and preach them, and […]
Since we all love conceptual frames, it is not surprising that in the area of ‘change management’ there are a […]
Since employee engagement has become an industry in its own right, and is taking over a lot of air time, […]
Most of our organizational problems are behavioural. Structural answers hardly solve behavioural problems. Amalgamating A and B because A and […]
Stanislav Andreski ( 1919-2007) in his little big book Social Science as Sorcery, writing about the influence of the social […]
Commenting on the communist legacy, a soviet academic Oleg Bogomolov, who must have known a thing or two about things […]
New organizations and old ones in the business of transforming themselves, would be better off learning by heart these two […]
If you had the possibility of designing an ideal organizational structure or redesigning one that you already have, what would […]
There is a difference between listening and just waiting to speak. You can spot people doing either. Some people don’t […]
Sometimes restructuring is done with the intention of solving a collaboration problem. A people don’t talk to B people; if […]
Any organization has accountability holes, areas where nobody really owns the space. Sometimes these are true ‘grey areas’, sometimes are […]