This is scene one of ‘The Tragedy of Coriolanus’ by William Shakespeare. It says a lot to us. It’s easy […]
Many years ago, I learnt from the UNHCR, the UN refugee Agency based in Denmark, that many global NGOs of […]
Nuccio Ordine, an Italian professor, has written an essay of this title, to my knowledge not translated into English. It […]
List your competitors, then, compare yourself with a different list. Most of the answers lie outside your immediate peer circle. […]
“The history of mankind might be described by a cynic as a series of splendid expeditions towards the wrong goal […]
Many times in my consulting work, I find myself facing this dilemma. Do I involve many people on the client’s […]
I am paraphrasing British philosopher Simon Blackburn who said the same about scientists entering the temple of philosophy. There is […]
“A good organizer is a social arsonist who goes around setting people on fire.”—Fred Ross Fred Ross (1910-1992) American community […]
This phrase is attributed to the physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who also described some arguments or theories as so bad that […]
In a massive street demonstration for Anti Something Big, you have the Anti Something Big activists, the Anti Everything, the […]
Mobilizing people. This is another of the Holy Grails (how many have I said we have?) in management. Whether you […]
Change management, or management of change. Thank God there can only be two permutations, because they are the most over-used […]
There is an ‘Accidental Literature for Leaders’. I call this my compilation of poems or pieces of narrative that are […]
Moses’ leadership was bad. He promised his people a land of milk and honey. Instead, they got a terrible hike […]
William Stafford’s (1914 – 1993) poem reads: The things you do not have to say make you rich, Saying the […]
From time to time you see the occasional and mostly not very solid comparisons between ‘the company’ and a religion. […]
We all have our share of ‘difficult people’. Conventional management of change has taught us that there is always going […]
It is counterintuitive to managers but not to cognitive scientists. Given airtime to an issue is not always a good […]
I have been researching for a while the not-that-easy topic of ‘cognitive mental frames’ or ‘mental models’ that take over […]
This is a question always tempting leaders to give an answer. Eager to show that people will benefit, we spend […]
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