- List your competitors, then, compare yourself with a different list. Most of the answers lie outside your immediate peer circle. If you are comparing with your competitors only, you are missing the plot.
- Stay hungry, foolish, restless, uncomfortable, unhappy. Jobs dixit. Add yours. Stay in beta. Declare unfinished by design.
- Surprise (markets, competitors, colleagues, yourself). Surprise is a high power strategic manoeuvring. Try it. (as a training…start with surprising yourself).
- Stop rehearsing and stop managing the inevitable, focus on leading what nobody else can lead.
- Create a compelling (non military) ’dream narrative’. Test: why would anybody (not completely mad) come with me?
- Choose your problems before they choose you. Imagine them, tackle them before they do exist.
- Choose a strategic level of ambition, before it chooses you. Here are 10 strategic options.
- Revere the past, move forward fast (or become an archaeologist).
- Have an overall cultural strategy in place. You probably have (should have) the others: commercial, market?). Make it visible in your business plan.
- Purpose beyond profits (86% global customers say). Find, define your space in the world. High purpose, less high purpose. Not the same as mission and vision, not a definition of what you do or you will do, but why, and why these.

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