Chinese proverb that is, what else? I wish we could be as crystal clear when it comes to the characteristics […]
Working in a ‘non-place place’ can’t deliver inspirations and aspirations. Ideas need infections, not Clinical Isolation Units. Marc Auge is […]
Employee empowerment is an output, an outcome. If you start thinking of employee empowerment as an input, something you are […]
Crisis are/constitute inflection points. Also M&A, extraordinary organic growth, relocations, and entering new markets. Keep adding. Pain is inevitable, misery […]
The traditional organization is, amongst other things, obsessed with closure. It despises ambiguity and puts a premium on the absolute […]
You have bought a pair of very expensive tickets for a classical music concert but the traffic is horrible and […]
Continuing with thoughts on critical thinking…. ‘Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then […]
Many of us spend quite a lot of our time in what we call ‘work’. The business day now has […]
To think out of the box, one has to recognise first that there is a box. Therefore one has to […]
Many years ago, I got into Decision Analysis at the hands of my good friend Larry Philips of the London […]
Commenting on the communist legacy, a soviet academic Oleg Bogomolov, who must have known a thing or two about things […]
Medium and big organizations tend to use a competence system that segments people by grades and by degree of competence. […]
I am paraphrasing British philosopher Simon Blackburn who said the same about scientists entering the temple of philosophy. There is […]
There was a time when the logic of things started with a ‘why’, followed with a ‘what’ and ended in […]
There is a period in child development when children start asking the question ’why?’. They usually seem unsatisfied with one […]
“A good organizer is a social arsonist who goes around setting people on fire.”—Fred Ross Fred Ross (1910-1992) American community […]
So you have The Process and The Outcome dating. You would have thought that they are having a good time. […]
Months ago, I found myself in front of a large audience composed of the highest ranks of the HR function […]
(1) If the top leadership of the company doesn’t exhibit the values/behaviours that you want to instill in the culture, […]
I must confess I have never been 100% comfortable with the traditional distinction by Warren Bennis between leaders and managers […]
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