I previously wrote about company cultures having a glue, The One Global Culture does not exist. But pretending that it […]
With the best of intentions, to call an organization a Democracy is an abuse of the term, unless of course, […]
Vocation is often defined as ‘a strong feeling’ to do something, a job, a career, an occupation, to dedicate one’s […]
The traditional organization is, amongst other things, obsessed with closure. It despises ambiguity and puts a premium on the absolute […]
Many people, many of them in high managerial positions, succeed by avoiding failure. They become unmemorable by design. A new […]
A few years ago, the BBC broadcast a series called ‘How we built Britain’, presented by the veteran David Dimbleby. […]
Leadership has traditional sources of learning, reflection, role modelling and a ‘body of knowledge’. There are four that dominate. This […]
Communicating, triggering behaviours, sustaining them and creating a culture, are all connected, interdependent, overlapping and parts of the chain of […]
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that […]
Some people in organizations believe that they are working in a very bureaucratic, hierarchical, political and rigid environment. Many of […]
From time to time you see the occasional and mostly not very solid comparisons between ‘the company’ and a religion. […]
Here is a ‘very novel’ concept. Employee Engagement is needed because… it’s good in and of itself. Because work enhances […]
There must be a better way than having 200 consultants landing in my company and doing the stuff for me, […]
Something for the weekend. Written back in 2017 but still rings true today! We naturally retreat to comfort zones. If […]
On one side, taxes are good, big government, social welfare, fighting for social justice and social mobility, human rights, women […]
I was used to the concept of catastrophic failure, but not catastrophic success, until I read an article in the […]
As with many modern clever quotes, there is more than one author claiming this. Symptoms of potentially ‘all fools in […]
‘Work conquers all’, or ‘steady work overcomes all things’ Virgil dixit. For many, the time of post-break is approaching, if […]
No medium to large size company has a single culture. No medium to large size French, or British or American […]
I shared yesterday three types of employees I want for the modern organization. Different characters on the payroll. If there […]
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