Spot the difference at the dinner party or barbeque. So, what do you do Joe? [You must start with ‘so’ […]
Consistently attributed to physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who had no time for sloppy thinking, ‘not even wrong’ has become a category […]
If you work in a corporation with headquarters and affiliates, scattered in many places, or with international sites, you will […]
The traditional thinking about divisional and functional structures within organizations, which were born of the need for specialization and a […]
“Where there is no vision, the people perish”, says the Book of Proverbs in the Bible. This quote comes in […]
‘The exercise was very rich, everybody participated deeply, the walls were full of flipcharts with stuff. So many ideas floating […]
Some people have a hero within. They have this tremendous ability to mobilise energy, jump in when big issues present, […]
Discovering’ an old article that I wrote years ago, when I used to have a management column in a monthly […]
With the best of intentions, to call an organization a Democracy is an abuse of the term, unless of course, […]
Vocation is often defined as ‘a strong feeling’ to do something, a job, a career, an occupation, to dedicate one’s […]
It is said that in any organization, 20% of the people do 80% of the work. I often think that […]
Chinese proverb that is, what else? I wish we could be as crystal clear when it comes to the characteristics […]
‘Science advances by a series of funerals’. This is how John Brockman, founder of The Edge, and editor of a […]
There is so much to fix and manage inside the organization that the task could be never ending. Soon, and […]
I shared yesterday the tragedy of the obvious. The obvious that is so obvious that we don’t see it. Read […]
A man was leading a caravan of donkeys and crossing the border almost every day, coming back with apparently the […]
Employee empowerment is an output, an outcome. If you start thinking of employee empowerment as an input, something you are […]
You are stuck when confronted with dilemmas. Maybe contradictory business decisions, or maybe the need to choose between two evils. […]
The great Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset wrote about the early 20th Century Spanish society as being ‘led by […]
I have always been a bit wary of people who repeatedly define themselves by what they are against. It makes […]
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