In any change programme that any organization wants to start, they will start by thinking of the things that they […]
We talk a lot about silos in organizations usually in the context of Business Units or divisions. But these are not […]
We were all born as questions. The old saying that ‘children enter school as question marks and leave as full […]
‘Continuous improvement’ is part of the management furniture and something that, at face value, one could not disagree with. But […]
Louis Gerstner, chairman of IBM from 1993 until 2002, recalls in his autobiography, the company’s use of a competence model […]
Mastering healthy tension between them, or surrendering to an ‘impossible alignment’ is a choice for leaders and managers. The worse […]
‘Lasting capacity’ must be a keyword for change management and its methods. The issue today is less about how to […]
Extracts taken from my new book ‘The Flipping Point‘. A flipping point in the trend for adopting absurd management ideas needs […]
Many organizations seem to run layers of parallel initiatives, all directed at noble goals, and in many cases, without talking […]
Way number 1: My team has come up with these three options, A, B and C. Which one do you […]
The trouble with consensus is that it contains all the risks of poor thinking and all the possible cognitive biases, […]
Discovering’ an old article that I wrote years ago, when I used to have a management column in a monthly […]
Employee empowerment is an output, an outcome. If you start thinking of employee empowerment as an input, something you are […]
The great Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset wrote about the early 20th Century Spanish society as being ‘led by […]
I have always been a bit wary of people who repeatedly define themselves by what they are against. It makes […]
If you had to build an organization from scratch, or re-design one, you would have options about some models to […]
Crisis are/constitute inflection points. Also M&A, extraordinary organic growth, relocations, and entering new markets. Keep adding. Pain is inevitable, misery […]
There is a ‘meeting expectations’ cult in business. It has created its own concept of (customer) services: meet customer expectations, […]
Surprise is a powerful strategy in its own right. Surprise means being ahead of the game, being further ahead than […]
Amongst my clients I have a good representation of ‘regulated industries’ such as pharmaceuticals and financial services. I, myself, spent […]
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