When we developed Reboot! a while ago as an intense Accelerator (strategy and change accelerator), a simple premise was in […]
Innovation and renewal requires your windows open to the world. Plenty of organizations out there are experimenting with models, far […]
Stanislaw Andreski ( 1919-2007) in his little big book ‘Social Science as Sorcery’, writing about the influence of the social […]
As many provocative quotes go, the caricature of the extreme makes the point. We in organizations often suffer from the […]
The company culture is its operating system. As such, we need to take care of it, keep it healthy, clean […]
To think out of the box, one has to recognise first that there is a box. Therefore one has to […]
Think of your company processes and systems as its operating system, the equivalent of your human Windows 7, or 8, […]
A recent article in the New York Times refers to a Conference/initiative in San Francisco where the agenda is built […]
It is unrealistic to expect upside down disruptive innovation in any business. But the absence of disruptive thinking may be […]
A great deal of energy, time, attention and money is being invested in the production of the one-off, usually large, […]
Many organizations seem to run layers of parallel initiatives, all directed at noble goals, and in many cases, without talking […]
I like the concept of reinvention, renewal, or transformation. But I like most the concept of rebooting! Organizations, teams, groups, […]
When you have reached epidemic levels of a negative thing, fighting the epidemic from within is futile. You need to […]
A neighbourhood with broken windows and graffiti on the walls says: look how easy is to break a window here, […]
In a recent cultural assessment that we conducted, we analysed the treatment of mistakes within the corporation. This is a […]
I owe this to Nassim Taleb (‘Fooled by Randomness’ (2007), ‘The Black Swan’ (2008), ‘Antifragile’ (2013). As a traveller of […]
The automatic pilot thinking during a merger says: lets take the best of company A and the best of company […]
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