If you had to build an organization from scratch, or re-design one, you would have options about some models to […]
Crisis are/constitute inflection points. Also M&A, extraordinary organic growth, relocations, and entering new markets. Keep adding. Pain is inevitable, misery […]
The traditional organization is, amongst other things, obsessed with closure. It despises ambiguity and puts a premium on the absolute […]
Nasim Taleb’s Antifragile book has this subtitle: ‘Things that gain from disorder’. This is a model for the new organization […]
There is a ‘meeting expectations’ cult in business. It has created its own concept of (customer) services: meet customer expectations, […]
The company is too big to change. We are too small to compete. It’s too early for a Leadership Development. […]
Surprise is a powerful strategy in its own right. Surprise means being ahead of the game, being further ahead than […]
Amongst my clients I have a good representation of ‘regulated industries’ such as pharmaceuticals and financial services. I, myself, spent […]
These are ‘functions’ and ‘structures’ in need of spaces in the organization. You may not be brave enough, or crazy […]
Is this what people want? Singing along with what the Big Gurus have provided? Music and lyrics? Sometimes I feel […]
A while ago, I was told an anecdote about an MBA student who returned to their alma mater for a […]
List your competitors, then, compare yourself with a different list. Most of the answers lie outside your immediate peer circle. […]
These are the 10 strategic options you have at your disposal all the time, as I use them with my […]
The perfect state of a healthy organization is unfinished. Like a human being. ‘Born too early’ (Campbell’s hero). Finished structures […]
I call Collective Leadership that state in the evolution of management teams or leadership teams when the power of the […]
Innovation and renewal requires your windows open to the world. Plenty of organizations out there are experimenting with models, far […]
We spend more time on preparing for doing than in doing. That would be good if we were just talking […]
One of the very frequent questions that I ask my clients is what they can stop doing so that they […]
There is an ‘Accidental Literature for Leaders’. I call this my compilation of poems or pieces of narrative that are […]
Moses’ leadership was bad. He promised his people a land of milk and honey. Instead, they got a terrible hike […]
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