Yesterday’s Daily Thought introduced the formula: (1) Space in the World (Purpose) + (2) Core Beliefs + (3) Non negotiable Behaviours […]
If I had a say in new roles for large organizations, I think I would establish this new Division: VP […]
There are hundreds of pieces of evidence including serious research that show that human beings (and animals for that matter) […]
Attention re-structuralists, strategists and people about to be sold a multi-million pound reorganization solution that will solve all those nasty […]
I have seen the same slide yet again. It keeps following me on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. OK, not on […]
Organizations grow in many ways: organically and quietly, organically and exponentially, by acquisitions or mergers etc. In every step of […]
‘Let’s be real and aware of the current budget realities’ is a warning that leaders should give to their people […]
Performance appraisal or performance management are one thing. Forced ranking into an artificial normal distribution of people in the organization, […]
We all live and work in bureaucratic organizations. The differences between us is the dose. In today’s world, bureaucracy is […]
I know it will happen. I’m certain. It’s nothing to do with trust. Trust requires uncertainty. I trust […]
The old view of the organization is something close to the old concept of a medieval city, where citizenship was […]
Increasing the connectivity of people, who will benefit from enhanced collaboration, to achieve good things better, faster, differently, is a […]
Organizations, like organisms, have embedded mechanisms of survival, of growth and also of self-sabotage These are 3 self-sabotage systems to […]
A while ago, a telecom client complained to me about his particular division which seemed to work entirely ‘on relationships’. […]
Extracts taken from my new book ‘The Flipping Point‘. A flipping point in the trend for adopting absurd management ideas needs […]
Extracts taken from my new book ‘The Flipping Point‘. A flipping point in the trend for adopting absurd management ideas needs […]
Many organizations seem to run layers of parallel initiatives, all directed at noble goals, and in many cases, without talking […]
Cost cutting, cutting to the bone, cutting resources down to the bare minimum is praised as efficient. But it’s not. […]
‘The exercise was very rich, everybody participated deeply, the walls were full of flipcharts with stuff. So many ideas floating […]
Discovering’ an old article that I wrote years ago, when I used to have a management column in a monthly […]
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