Today I have presented my views on Employer Branding at a conference in Berlin. The trouble with this area is that overlaps with so many others such as Employee Engagement, Employee Value Proposition and many more that have created a sub-industry of their own.
Yet, the frame is very valid if it helps us to understand the purpose of the organization, their values, the ‘why working there’ and the image that it projects to the outside word. But the elephant in the room is called ‘culture’. And for me, culture is behaviours. Scale behaviours, get culture. Get culture, you get Employer Branding and Employee Value Proposition, all in one, for the same price.
If so, there are principles at the core of creating and shaping ‘culture’. These are:
- Behaviours create culture, not the other way around. Divert your energy to behaviours instead of discussing culture too conceptually,
- Cultures are not created by training. No revolution was created in a classroom
- Behaviours multiply by imitation, not indoctrination. Find our who has the power to be imitated, at a scale
- Culture is an infection business, not a broadcasting one. Master the infection maths, not the communication ones
- Communication is not change. It may be necessary but nor sufficient to create change. In fact, too much of it switches people off
- Engagement is an outcome, not an input. You don’t inject ‘employee engagement’
- The best Employer Branding programme is the one that is not needed
- Culture is the elephant, engagement is one of the legs
- Shape culture, get employee engagement and employer branding all in one
- Company culture is a social movement. Create one
We, as a company, create social movements inside the organization, by embedding the Viral Change™ Mobilizing Platform, a true company Operating System that can enable any ‘project’ and ‘change’ where large scale behavioural scale up is required.
If you are interested in the slides shown in Berlin, please send an email to laura-proctor@thechalfontproject. com
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