Try my Border Diet: A diet to protect yourself against persistent Full Disclosure that the digital world forces upon you. The late John O’Donohue, in another context, spoke of ‘inner eviction and outer exile’ of ourselves. I think this is an epidemic in need of serious warning. Sherry Turkle of MIT has written about this, with the wonderful title: Alone Together. My point is: don’t get sucked into Total Transparency, Total Disclosure, I-Have-No-Secrets philosophy. It has consequences…
So this is my Border Diet:
1. Have a list of secrets, make an inventory, keep them. Review them monthly. Having no secrets is a symptom of Self depletion. There are sacred secrets of your soul and in your soul. They are your real friends, because they are the closest to you.
2. Take social media sabbaticals. Make yourself not just ‘unavailable’ (this is the analogue term) but ‘undiscoverable’ (digital). Or choose selectively to whom you make your Self discoverable. And how much, and for how long.
3. Drop Pilates, take Pascal classes. Pascal said that ‘All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone’. That has not changed since the 17th Century, if anything today it is incredibly difficult. The 21st Century human can’t ‘sit’: we have become restless, attention deficient beings.
4. Make an inventory of assets you can give to others: start with time, ideas, attention and care. Keep stocks high. Make sure you don’t give too much at a time.
5. Practice daily silence. Start simply: radio off, earphones off. Despite common belief, it is possible. Silence will help you listen to your Self, and who knows, beyond. Not for nothing silence has been called God’s language.
6. Practice stillness. Stop moving, jogging, going to the gym. Well, not all the time. Don’t do anything, I repeat, anything, for a good 30 mins a day. Try. It won’t kill you. Notice I have not said meditation. Meditation is doing something.
7. You would not choose to be in a room full of smoke or a contaminated nuclear area. Mental pollution is much worse than those. It’s the greatest digital health hazard. Avoid systematic mental exposure to trivia much as you would avoid breathing smoke.
8. Don’t be open, transparent and exhibitionist. You are fooled by your ego. Hard as it is to accept for many people, nobody really cares about you checking in at the airport of X, having cereals Y for breakfast today or just changing your cover photo in Z. You are mainly reporting to yourself what your Self already knows .
9. Reconcile with your borders, protect your distances, go back to your inner house. Then you can give from within. But you need to protect your Self from all open windows and all open doors. The Self may catch a cold.
10. Then, go back to number one.
This Daily Thought is featured in Leandro’s thought-provoking book on leadership Camino – Leadership Notes on the Road, a leadership journey in 300+ stops reflecting on leadership as a continuously evolving praxis. For book extracts or to order your copy.
Dr Leandro Herrero is the CEO and Chief Organization Architect of The Chalfont Project, an international firm of organizational architects. He is the pioneer of Viral Change™, a people Mobilizing Platform, a methodology that delivers large scale behavioural and cultural change in organizations, which creates lasting capacity for changeability.
Dr Herrero is also an Executive Fellow at the Centre for the Future of Organization, Drucker School of Management.
An international speaker, Dr Herrero is regularly invited to speak at global conferences and corporate events. To invite Leandro to speak at your conference or business event contact: The Chalfont Project or email: [email protected].
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