Three bad news people:
People who sell discontent. They become experts. You may have an entire internal sales force of this. They are often quite successful at this. People buy this stuff because it’s easy. These are corporate street dealers who make an enormous ego-profit.
Managers who are in permanent rehearsal mode. Today is not a word in their vocabulary. They are planning for when things change, when the management team is complete, and for next year’s budget. They are experts in postponing. They are very good at creating presentations for somebody who needs to make a presentation to somebody so that she can make a presentation.
People who erode and destroy, even little bits: trust, hope, opportunities, and celebrations. Negative comments here, teasing there, joke over there. Again and again.
Three gems:
People who make things work first, and then they try to fix the problems that may be behind it, for the next time.
People who work relationships outside the organization chart, who cut across borders, across divisions, across cultures and languages.
Builders, which is not the same as problem solvers. People who build new ideas, new opportunities, new connections of A and B. There is always something new left behind.
Just imagine the trade-off. A miracle occurs and you replace the Discontent Sales Force; get everybody in today/now mode; ban destructive folks, promote the fixers and the positive ‘let’s do it first, let’s discuss later’ people, find those relationship bridges and create battalions of builders. It does not get better than this for an overall People and Organizational Development Plan. Fix these, the rest is commentary.
Don’t Miss Our Free Webinar TOMORROW!
The Myths of Management
Join me and Anett Helling for our free webinar with Q&A TOMORROW. Leadership traits, employee engagement, empowerment and more – old traditional management thinking will not win in the post Covid-19 scenario. So, what will the ‘new management’ look like? Which elephants do we need to see in the management room? Register Now! Thursday, 30th July – 18:00 BST/19:00 CET.
Bring your critical thinking brain switched on. It’s a serious business. It may also be fun!
Attendees eligible for a FREE copy of my new book: The Flipping Point – Deprogramming Management.
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