This is the Support Team @ The Chalfont Project, behind the Daily Thoughts that Dr Leandro Herero writes personally.
Daily Thoughts are in pause mode for a few days. But, yes, we are now close to the 1000 Daily Thoughts in the library. That is 1000 days of no excuse to ponder, at least for a few minutes. But also, here are 7 ways you can make good use of the Daily Thoughts:
- Read it yourself. Quietly. Enjoy it!
- Discus with a colleague – zero cost
- Send it to your boss, colleague, team mate, that ‘talent pool’ list
- Make it a topic to discuss/dissect/agree/kill at your next leadership team
- Do a search in the library (using the search box in the right hand side and create your own digital compilation. Or use the categories at the bottom of any post.
- Invite others to subscribe explaining to them why. Give them the link.
- Request an in-company webinar or session on a Daily Thought topic, or series
The copyright policy is: copy, distribute, use, reuse, forward, multiply conversations. Always refer to the source.
We’ll carry on soon, and there will be something here every day!
Talk to us if you need anything, or have other ideas on how to use this vast content for your organization or in general.
We are planning exclusive-to-subscribers events such as webinars by Dr Herrero. Watch out of this. Recommend the email subscription to people you think could benefit from them. This is the best way to grow this community even further.
The Daily Thoughts Support Team
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