‘Everyday is Election Day’ is an expression used in political campaigning and widely used in the masterful Obama campaigns. The expression has also found uses in many other places to refer to how the winning of ‘one at a time’, bringing somebody new to the play, every day, all the time, is crucial.
This is a good, symbolic concept for management and leadership in organizations. Management of change is not a programme, or a project, with change happening at events and milestones. It is everyday leadership bringing along new people. It is the ‘one person at a time’ often heard in the Obama system.
This shift from a programme and a narrative of Beginning and End, to a narrative of Journey where everyday counts and every new employee on board counts, is a powerful one.
Imagine the new day in the organization. Objectives, goals, dreams, desires, imagination, stretches, possibilities. Folks, it’s Election Day today. Today as well. Today again,
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