‘Daily Thoughts’ is in pause mode for a few days and resumes on Monday 4th of April.
You may have missed some of these. Here is a quick way to continue some thinking during the pause.
And these two Daily Thoughts deal with the elusive and never fully grabbed issue of leadership. And legacy, is a keyword. Imagine we all asked to ourselves, one way or another, what am I leaving behind?
What am I building? The 21st Century leader says. Where am I going? Some leaders used to say
For many years now I have been pushing the often uncomfortable idea that top leadership role modelling is overrated. Leadership connoisseurs don’t like it. HR does not like it. Conventional thinking says, how come?
If I were the CEO’s speechwriter for a day, this is the speech I would pass on
Don’t look at us, at the leadership at the top. We are the wrong mirror. Of course, we are committed to being the best possible role model for the organization. It is our duty and privilege. But we may get it wrong from time to time. Our potential bad example, I very much hope transitory, should make you aim at excellence even harder.
Create your own collection ideas. The best way compile them for your team is to search within the search box or via the ‘Other articles by categories’ in the site.
These Thoughts are written for that purpose, not to ‘agree/disagree, but stimulate fresh thinking coming from…you.
Experiment with this, create your own collection. Pass it on.
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