‘Daily Thoughts’ is in pause mode for a few days. Here is a quick way to continue some thinking during the pause. You may have missed some of these.
‘The Collective as a bad sum’ is one of my favourites. This bit has been tweeted many times:
Something in the system that is created for collective action seems to have too many breaks, too many gates, too many translators, too many safeguards, too many political correctness, too much fear, too much checking upwards, sideways and down, like constant security checks in airports with many terminals, too much just in case, too much ‘in my opinion’, too much ‘the problem is’, a low heat cooking that never quite boils, a sailing boat stuck in the dock, a juxtaposition of opinions that run vocally in parallel, never quite meeting, a Ferrari that runs in low gear, if it runs at all, because most of the time it feels like admiring the Ferrari.
‘The truth will set you free, and speaking u always win’ dealt with the horrible problem of managers being silent in the team minute, and vocal against issues as soon as they head for the restrooms. Focusing on speaking up is one of the most important things leaders can do to maintain a healthy organization.
Explore your own themes and compile your own ideas for your team by using the Lego pieces of the Daily Thoughts. The best way is to search within the search box or via the ‘Other articles by categories’ in the site.
These Thoughts are written for that purpose, not to ‘agree/disagree, but stimulate fresh thinking coming from…you. Experiment with this
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